Background Image Alternative Text: aerial view of street with painted triangles and circles along median on both sides and crosswalk painted with partial color
Background Image Alternative Text: aerial view of street with painted triangles and circles along median on both sides and crosswalk painted with partial color

Amory, MS

Public Art – Street art along the town's main road in what is known locally as Vinegar Bend. 

Creating a brightened Bend for Amory through a pop of street art. From the fall of 2023 through April 2024, the STC partnered with the Mississippi Main Street Association on the Place: Map + Design + Build project—funded by the USDA Rural Partners Network—to assist in designing and implementing unique placemaking projects in 11 communities throughout the state.

One of these communities was Amory, and the project they chose to implement as part of this undertaking was street art along the town's main street in what is known locally as Vinegar Bend. The STC enlisted its CREATE Common Ground class to assist in the planning and execution of this two-day event, which volunteers of all ages came out to take part in. The result was a vibrant addition to Amory's downtown and a safer and more invigorating environment for pedestrians visiting the downtown businesses.